
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Assignment of UNIT -1(Part -AM) Short-cut Method

Assignment Submission Date : 11/8/2010

Using Short-cut Method

1.) Calculate step deviation for the following data:
Farm Size (in acres)   No. of farms
0— 40                    394
40— 80                  461
80—120                 391
120—160               334
160—200               169
200—240               113
240 and over

2.) Calculate step deviation

Variable      Frequency     Variable       Frequency
20—29         306              50—59          96
30—39         182              60—69          42
40—49          144             70—79          24

3.) From the following distribution, calculate the value of them MEAN

X               F        X            F
300—399 14 800— 899   62
400—499 46 900—999    48
500—599 58 1000--1099 22
600—699 76 1100—1199 6
700—799 68

Following are the monthly sales of a firm in a year:

Months                       1    2   3    4    5    6    7   8   9   10     11      12

Sales (in'000):         50 30  25  44  48  51  55  60 42  35  28     40

Find out mean deviation from the above data.

5.) Calculate the Mean Deviation from the following data relating to heights (to the nearest inch) of 100 children:

Height (inches): 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

No. of children: 2 0 15 29 25 12 10 4 3

6.) The following table gives the distribution of monthly wages of 1000 workers of a factory:
Wages ($)
No. of workers’ Wages ($) No. of workers
20 3 140 204
40 13 160 139
60 43 180 69
80 102 200 25
100 175 220 6
120 220 240 1

Find the mean deviation of the above group and also compute die dispersion.

7. Calculate the value of coefficient of mean deviation  of the following data:

Marks: 10—20 20—30 30—40 40—50 50—60 60—70 70—80 80—90

No. of Students: 2 6 12 18 25 20 10 7

8. Calculate  Mean Deviation for the following frequency distribution.

Age (years) No. of persons Age (years) No. of persons
1-5 7 26—30 18
6—10 10 31—35 10
11—15 16 36—40 5
16—20 32 41—45 1
21—25 24 
9.Find out coefficient of Mean deviation by using mean (X) from
The following data:

Class: 0—3 3—6 6-9 9-12 12—15 15—18 18—21
Frequency: 2 7 10 12 9 6 4

10.Find the mean deviation
1 and up to 10
1 and up to 20
1 and up to 30
1 and up to 40
1 and up to 50


  1. From Where We Can Find
    "merits and demerits of quartile deviation"
    mem as per i know you haven't Dictated It during lactures??

  2. what are "No. of farms" for
    "Farm Size (in acres)" 240 and over

    one request is please either post assignments properly(without errors) or don't post it.

    i will creates confusions for students.....
